Bass Fellows Spotlight: How John Broadway merges journalism and social entrepreneurship

by Taylor Marie Contarino

John Kwesi Broadway, a USC Master’s Student and Charlotta Bass Fellow, is an innovator, entrepreneur, and most of all - an artivist.

Headshot of John Kwesi Broadway, founder of Artivists United

In 2021, Broadway established Artivists United, merging his passions for activism and art. In 2022, the company enacted the first goal of its mission, hosting an event centered around the merging of activism and artistry with a heavy focus on community healing. The initial idea was to bring together nonprofits within the community that wanted to partner with artists, and the company has continued to host community-building, wellness-centered events since then. 

Today, Artivists United is a fully-operating social enterprise. The company has become an LLC sponsored by The Pemproke Tapareli Arts and Film Festival, with its mission being to support community healing, diverse representation, and the dismantling of oppressive systems. This provides opportunities, inspiration, and empowerment for artivists to utilize their art. 

With a mission of “being the change we wish to see in this world,” the budding community is filled with rising artivists (artist-activists) who produce films, videos, events, merchandise, and social justice campaigns that facilitate opportunities and build partnerships with nonprofit and grassroots organizations.

Broadway takes the stage at an Artivists United event

On April 13th,  Artivists United is hosting the South Central Wellness Summit at Augustus F. Hawkins Nature Park. This is a one-day resource fair, dedicated to empowering Black and Brown Communities.  The location is intentional, aligning with Broadway’s mission of bringing healing and wellness to South Central Los Angeles. There will be a performance by the intensely talented  Zeus Stunna, as well as an open mic that is open to the public from 2 to 3pm.

There will be capoeira, yoga, and art therapy workshops. Broadway will also be hosting a panel with industry leaders including Z Pinto, Dr. Monique Turner, and Jose Zapata, sharing their knowledge and insight related to advocating for mental wellness resources, information, and education in South Central.

Broadway had always envisioned building his company, and the foundations for the idea of it have been immersed in his subconscious for quite some time. “I should create a company that merges art, activism, and filmmaking together, and also creates a community for other people like myself who feel pulled between these two tasks,” explained Broadway.

Broadway poses for a photo near a display honoring Nipsey Hussle

When it comes to his USC Journey, Broadway has been very intentional on using the resources and opportunities from USC to pour back into the community, especially keeping in mind how much USC’s presence has gentrified the surrounding area.

Inspired by role models like Nipsey Hussle whose mission was to uplift South Central, Broadway admires Hussle’s “message of independence” and focus on community wellness and progress. Through his endeavors, Broadway also intends to inspire people who may not be of the “artivist” mindset but want to be a part of it. “Making those connections can help people become more intentional about their wellness journeys,” explains Broadway on his goals and intentions for his company’s actions and endeavors.

At the April 13 event, There will be free food, raffles, tabling, resources, wellness activities, and more.


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